Adopt-A-Route Spotlight: Empire Strategics
Empire Strategics recently began volunteering with FeedMore WNY as an Adopt-A-Route partner. Their team rises above and beyond the call of duty, willing to help out however they can to feed our neighbors in
Western New York.
Prior to opening their Buffalo office, Empire Strategics worked with Feedmore in Richmond, VA, a hunger-relief organization similar to our own. Their team has quickly become involved in Western New York through volunteering with local organizations. Currently, their team brings home-delivered meals every other week on Tuesdays to homebound individuals living in Buffalo’s Lovejoy neighborhood.
We asked Tyler Smith of Empire Strategics to share his organization’s experience with us!
What motivates your team to volunteer with FeedMore WNY?
Helping out the local community has always been something I have found great value in. As a company working in the local community, we feel that we should not only work to provide our services to consumers, but also better the place we now call home! Having a consistent home-delivered meal route where we can build relationships with members of the community is rewarding, and I truly look forward to seeing them every couple of weeks.
What would you say to other organizations interested in volunteering?
Being able to help out those in need is monumental in building both an internal culture and also truly making a difference in the surrounding community. The feeling of knowing you truly helped someone else is something truly satisfying and rewarding. FeedMore WNY’s communication, passion and willingness to go that extra mile for the people they care for is something anyone can feel at home helping with.
How many people are volunteering with Empire Strategics Adopt-A-Route team?
Right now we have five people who will be delivering meals with us! As we onboard and grow our company, we hope to add more hands to the FeedMore WNY team. Eventually, the goal is to take on a weekly route and have enough people to help out whenever needed!
Can you share a moment you (or a team member) experienced that shows the importance of community volunteering?
The genuine appreciation from people we deliver to means the world. Being able to provide a service they may have a more difficult time accessing on their own is something we truly find great value and joy in. Having the same route and people every couple weeks has helped us develop relationships and connections beyond what just one-off events could provide.
about empire strategics
Empire Strategics works with clients to create and implement successful marketing campaigns to create brand awareness, acquire & retain customers, and develop industry leaders.
learn moreabout our adopt-a-route program
Adopt-A-Route is an easy and efficient way for companies and groups to give back to the community. It helps individuals find time to give back—no matter how busy someone’s schedule may be. Plus, it makes people feel good and helps cement relationships within a team.
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