Why I Volunteer: Maria Zoyhofski
Maria Zoyhofski has been volunteering as a home-delivered meal volunteer for FeedMore WNY’s Meals on Wheels Program for nearly 19 years. It is an activity that she absolutely loves, and one that she has no plans of stopping any time soon.
“I think it is a great way to give back,” Maria said, adding that it only takes about an hour of her time to deliver nourishing meals to her homebound neighbors. Yet even though it doesn’t take her a lot of time to complete a delivery route, she knows she is making a lasting impact on the people she serves.
“They look forward to you coming,” Maria said of her home-delivered meal recipients. “The people are just so nice and so appreciative.”
Maria delivers twice per week out of FeedMore WNY’s home-delivered meals site in Lackawanna. She said that while her home-delivered meal recipients have always been thankful for the service, she noted that her homebound neighbors are extra grateful to receive meals during the pandemic.
“They usually ask me how I am feeling, and they tell me to be safe as I am leaving,” Maria said, adding that their concern always warms her heart.
Maria, who is 81 years young, said she has not felt nervous about volunteering during the COVID-19 health crisis. She said takes the appropriate precautions to stay safe and healthy as she gives back to her community. Maria also is a member of Erie County’s RSVP Program, which offers volunteer opportunities and additional benefits to Erie County volunteers ages 55 and older. For Maria, the great benefit of being an RSVP volunteer is the fact that it provides volunteer recognition events and opportunities for fellow RSVP volunteers to gather and enjoy one another’s company. It is an aspect of RSVP that she looks forward to resuming when the pandemic is over. More information about Erie County RSVP can be found by calling (716) 858-7548.
In the meantime, Maria will continue to volunteer for FeedMore WNY’s Meals on Wheels program and encourages others to do the same.
“If you have the time and you’re healthy, why not volunteer? You really get more out of it than you give.”
volunteer with our home-delivered meals program
Our home-delivered meals program serves homebound individuals and those living with disabilities in Erie and Niagara counties. Volunteering for one lunch hour makes a difference in the lives of those we serve.
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