Supportive relationships lead
to resiliency, drive to help others

For Rita*, FeedMore WNY partner agency Heart, Love & Soul is much more than a supportive resource. It’s a place where your generosity provided a beacon of hope and showed her the possibilities of a happy, healthy future.

Rita first came to Heart, Love & Soul for a meal with her children at a time when her abusive husband left them with nothing in the house to eat.

That meal opened a door of community for Rita, and soon she started coming regularly for meals as well as to utilize the food pantry. Rita began to build relationships with the staff at Heart, Love & Soul and came to see that it was time to change her life and leave her unsafe home.

“I met Sister Beth…she started trying to convince me I needed to do something to change,” Rita shares. “They helped me to…find transitory housing.”

In transitional housing, Rita and her children had the safety and freedom to find a permanent home.

* Name has been changed for Rita’s safety and privacy

The support of Sister Beth and many more friends — including you — helped her find hope and begin to invest in her own interests, like volunteering at the same food pantry where she once found solace.

“It was a whole journey,” she says. “Now it’s time to give back.”

Our community is truly a stronger, healthier place thanks to Rita and her incredible strength, as well as your generosity which helps to share hope with Western New Yorkers!