Your legacy is far more than how you are remembered by family, friends and associates.
It is the impact you have on community through deeply held and thoughtfully expressed values throughout your life.
When expressed through support of the FeedMore WNY Foundation, your legacy is one of hope and a powerful response to hunger.
If you haven’t already, we invite you to connect with FeedMore WNY’s mission. See how our programs provide access to nutritious food and comfort when and where they are needed most.
Discover how our job-training program empowers our disadvantaged neighbors. Learn how FeedMore WNY responds during emergencies that profoundly impact our community.
Once you do, you will know the significance of your role in the fulfillment of our mission.
Planned giving is a tool for donors who wish to designate select resources to positively influence the future.
Whatever the size of your planned gift, the earlier you begin, the more significant your impact, and the sooner your actions will be joined by others who share your vision.
Such gifts provide the foundation of our future.
Naming the FeedMore Foundation of WNY, Inc. as a beneficiary in your will, IRS, insurance policy or other investment vehicle ensures our future success in meeting Western New York’s most basic needs – a truly remarkable legacy!
Please share your plan with us through this nonbinding declaration of intentOpens a new window.
Knowledge of your intention allows us to plan for the future and to recognize and honor you as a member of the Food for Tomorrow Society.
Wills and bequests ensure your assets are distributed in a way that directly align with your values, giving you peace of mind today while contributing to a brighter future.
You can include the FeedMore WNY Foundation, Inc. in your estate plans by:
• Specific Bequest – designating a specific dollar amount or percentage of your will.
• Residual Bequest – designating FeedMore WNY to receive the remainder of your estate after all other gifts are made and final taxes paid.
• Particular Asset – designating a gift of stock, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or other property.
• Planned giving offers potential, significant estate tax savings.
• You can choose a specific FeedMore WNY program to support with your gift or allow your gift to be used where needed most.
• Your gift may be modified at any time to address changing circumstances.
• Contacting your attorney or financial planner is encouraged.
• A planned gift costs you nothing today, but it can make a lifetime of difference for someone struggling with hunger.
to learn more, contact:
Judy Burnett Christian
Annual Fund Director
(716) 822-2005, ext. 3056
jchristian@feedmorewny.orgOpens a new window